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7 pontos – 7 historias

Series of 7 videos taken at different locations in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. Material was used for installation CultureRobot 2.0 @ SESC Sao Jose dos Campos. It was recorded during mapping workshop by its participants and latter used as 7 clips trigged by CultureRobots on the CR 2.0 installation.

Overview of the move: […]

CR 2.0 at SESC SJC

CultureRobot 2.0 installation is open for viewers at SESC Sao Jose dos Campos during month of February. Installation depicts 7 points that have been represented by edited video and sound of this locations. Points have been chosen out of many that were depicted by workshop participants to present an overview of SJC urban, cultural and […]

Preparation for CR in SESC SJC

During the workshop days in SESC SJC participants showed a great interest in personal narrative while obtaining and creating material for impending CultureRobot installation. Appealing content was aggregated during the five days when

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